Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Mount and blade Warband is my personal favourite game of all time!!

The basics of the game is about gathering companions and armies and uniting the lands under one ruler, YOU :), but there is alot more to do and experience than that.

But lets get down to the history of the game, the story takes place in the land of Calradia which are ruled by six kings in six different kingdoms. You got:
Kingdom of Swaidia - King Harlaus.
Kingdom of Nords - King Graveth.
Kingdom of Rhodoks - King Yaroglek.
Kingdom of Vaegirs - King Ragnar.
Khergit Khanate - Sanjar Khan
Sarranid Sultanate - Sultan Hakim

So the tension in the lands are fragile at best and it is constantly war between the kings to keep or to expand their kingdoms. And as u can see from the map bellow the world is massive.

You start the game creating a new adventurer who will start you on your epic journey to unite the lands of Calradia. So when you are setting up your charachter you will be given some choices of what you have been doing with your life growing up in Calradia. You will get choices from being a noble person to being a thief, so you choose what suits your needs. So when you have created your character you will be given a choice of which capitol you wish to start at (I always start in Praven, the capitol on Kingdom of Swaidia).

Then the game starts and you instantly get in a fight with a bandit in the capitol, when you have defeated your oppnent a merchant will aproach you and give you your first quest of the game. The first fight and first quest is the game's little tutorial of how the game works and operates. After you have completed this you can start exploring the world, but you need to be wary because there are alots of bandits, thiefs and deserters roaming the land picking fights with you if they feel that they can beat you. 

So a good start would be to gather a little army at your side, you can reqruit villagers from the many villages that are in Calradia. But you must also check the taverns in every major city because here you can find valuable companions that will follow you into battle and help you to succeed in your goal to unite all of the kingdoms. 

I almost always gather a strong enough army and just attack a kingdom and claiming a throne that way. But that is a scary way, because if you havent claimed rulership in Calradia all of the other kings will instantly see you as a huge threat and declare war on you and they will march with their armies on the town/castle you have taken. So to be safe start early to send out your companions to spread the word about your claimant wishes of a throne, and you will slow but steady increase your rulerships rights and the other kings will be more wary about starting a war with you then. And when you have become a king you can appoint your companions to Lords by giving them a village, castle or a town to rule. They will start gathering their own armies that will fight under your banner.

But there are a lot of ways to get money and power to build you up in this world. This is what is so intriguing about the game, the endless way's to get noticed and get power is still jawdropping to me and I must admit I have not tried all of the possibilities yet. But I play the game a lot and still finds new things to do even now. So what you choose to do is up to you, but this is a game that will haunt you for a long time, and the hours just flies by and suddenly the morning sun have gone and it is night :).

The game mechanics is also stunning, from running around on  the world map with a little person/horse to when you engage in a fight or enter a city, the game creates a beautiful world. Ok the graphics are not up to Skyrim or other beatiful worlds standard but what Mount and Blade got is for me a beatiful package of a game!. And the fight mechanics is one of a kind, horseback fighting or on foot were you meet on gigantic landscapes for epic battles vs huge armies (if you know how to set max people allowed in a fight in the M&B wordfile, this you can look up on the net). Great castle sieges were you must lead your men up either a ladder or a siegetower to engage the army on the walls of great castle's and city's who rain arrows down on you. It is simply mind blowing!!. 

There is also possibilities for multiplayer battles if you would like to trie that, I have not tried this as much but i know there is a ok sized community for it out there so check it out.
And it is a lots of great unofficial expansions ready to be downloaded, which creates even more to explore and experience. It is also a official expansion called Mount and Blade Warband: Napoleonic Wars. But here you can use guns, and for me that destroys a little of the magic, but hey someone could find it fun.

There is of course alot to the game that I have not mentioned that is waiting for you to experience. So get on your horse and ride out into the great world of Calradia and become a legend.

If you would like to check it out: